Thursday 23 May 2013


"Like an eagle I will soar above the clouds, I will spread my wings and fly into the sun." Today we did performance and sang our new song called 'Like an Eagle' by Carl Strommen. We practiced it three times and the last time we stood up and did it. In some bits of the song it gets a bit hard and confusing but I felt really nice when I got it right. Nicola said "We really need to push our voices out." She also said I did that really well!                                      
Until next time , Blog ya later :)

Thursday 16 May 2013

Where in the world?

"Where in the world is Steve-O the Stag?" Katie finished saying to the performance group and we all rushed off to the performance corner to practice our songs. This week we have a new song called 'Like an Eagle' by Carl Strommen link:
Getting back to Steve-o the Stag. We did a Where in the World keynote today, which means the Enrich teachers make a keynote to do with a famous person & we get about ten clues to try and find where they are! This time the person was Steve-O the Stag(Southland Stags mascot). I got most of the answers and I really hope that they are right. Wish me luck!
Until next time , Blog you later:)

Thursday 9 May 2013

"Is there Life on Mars?" We all finished singing. Today we sang a new song called "Life on Mars?" This is the chorus:

"Sailors fighting in the dance hall. Oh man! Look at those cavemen go. It's the freakiest show. Take a look at the lawman beating up the wrong guy . Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know he's in the best selling show. Is there life on Mars?"

This was part of our performance session today with Nicola.  I quite like this new song - it's got a few quiet parts mixed with loud parts.  We will be singing this at Wachner Place sometime in the near future.

Blog ya later!